I recently posted about an overly elaborate solution that I wrote to a CodeWars algorithm. That post has been lurking in the back of my head since I wrote it…
I’ve come to realize that I can’t be too hard on myself for coming up with the solution that I did. After all, the only tool I had available to me was a hammer, so I treated every problem like a nail.

My point is that up until then, any time I had to traverse an array, I had used a for loop rather than any of the methods native to the array prototype. Setting the conditions of the loop to something like (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) allows you to easily access and manipulate any element of the array using arr[i]. So that’s what I did…
While there’s (usually) nothing inherently wrong with that (in fact, it’s how I solved many of the algorithm challenges at Free Code Camp), loops aren’t always the most elegant solution to a problem, especially when you start to consider asynchronous options in your code. Besides, the point of this journey is to become the strongest developer I can, so let’s explore other options.
While going through the front end program at Free Code Camp, I was exposed to many of the methods in the array prototype, including forEach(), reduce(), map() and filter(). The problem was that those methods required callback functions, of which my understanding was tenuous, so I found it much easier at the time to use loops.
Working with Node.js these past few months has given me much more exposure using callback functions, so I’d like to revisit these methods and solidify my understanding of them. That way, when I encounter problems in the future, I’ll have more than one tool at my disposal.
Over the next couple weeks, I will write a post that will cover each of the four array methods mentioned above in detail. Hopefully, these posts will serve as good resources for others in my position and, at the same time, give me extra practice using each.
I’ll be sure to come back and provide links to the follow up posts once they’re written.
That’s it for now, thanks for reading.